
Showing posts from September, 2020

Return to Breath

Birds flying through a backlit sky with ghostly fog rising dense and high   The call of a wayward owl reaches through and bounces back muffled as if covered by a cowl   Breath from below wary eyes billows out and hangs still  too warm to fall and too heavy to rise   This is the world before and aft the remnants of what's left and promise of what comes next   Silence replaces the constant roar of a species always in the midst of war   The quiet ones are fewer now but slowly taking over   The planet breathing once again with trees and streams and yin and yang

Oh Humankind

The dream of the NOble Savage in balance with Nature and harmony is all a fallacy Warlike and Selfish like the Whites that followed Theirs was the same story Kill or be killed steal or be stolen from A constant quest for goods and power Oh Humankind What a disappointment Thou art With the intelligence to create your own Eden You Choose to Destroy it all to satisfy the Ego and the Slothful nature


I miss you sometimes like a tree misses sunlight in winter With just enough glimpses into your life to sustain me but not enought to flourish and blossom They say you can never go back but it seems you can sometimes pick up where you left off or perhaps create something new from remnants of the past I am so grateful to have you in my life So deeply, profoundly happy to have my sister back again

In The Beginning

Once, Life was merely a Potential a Possibility amongst a backdrop of infinite black Out of Chaos emerged Probability and infintesimal collisions of adjacent microcosms Coincidental patterns harnessed Energy and Driven by unwritten Destiny Coalesced into energy dissipation machines and evolution factories Arising from the incohrent concoction an Awareness as mechanism of Attention grew from the inside Out and then Conglomerated into few and then into Many And Harmony turned to Dominion and Balance to Fitness as the least complex became trampled by the Most Prolific